Configurations Endpoints


Here we list all the available endpoints from Leaf's Configuration API. To call them easily, we recommend using Leaf's Postman collection.

All HTTP methods should be prepended by this service's endpoint:

This service has the following endpoints available:

Get API Owner's ConfigurationGET /configs
Get Leaf User's ConfigurationGET /configs/{leafUserId}
Create Leaf User's ConfigurationPOST /configs/{leafUserId}
Update API Owner's ConfigurationPATCH /configs
Update Leaf User's ConfigurationPATCH /configs/{leafUserId}
Delete Leaf User's ConfigurationDELETE /configs/{leafUserId}


Get API Owner's Configuration

 GET /configs

Gets the configuration of the API Owner.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \


A JSON containing the configuration of the API Owner.

"apiOwnerUsername": "api-owner",
"leafUserId": "",
"operationsImageCreation": true,
"geoimagesResolution": 0.00001,
"geoimagesShape": "SQUARE",
"geoimagesProjection": "EPSG:3857",
"geoimagesColorRamp": {
"0%": [200, 0, 0],
"35%": [255, 40, 0],
"45%": [255, 150, 0],
"55%": [255, 240, 0],
"65%": [0, 230, 0],
"75%": [0, 190, 0],
"100%": [0, 130, 0],
"nv": [0, 0, 0, 0]
"fieldsAutoSync": true,
"fieldsMergeIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAttachIntersection": 0.01

Get Leaf User's Configuration

 GET configs/{leafUserId}

Gets the configuration of a Leaf User.

curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \


A JSON containing the configuration of the Leaf User.

"apiOwnerUsername": "api-owner",
"leafUserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"operationsImageCreation": true,
"geoimagesResolution": 0.00001,
"geoimagesShape": "SQUARE",
"geoimagesProjection": "EPSG:3857",
"geoimagesColorRamp": {
"0%": [200, 0, 0],
"35%": [255, 40, 0],
"45%": [255, 150, 0],
"55%": [255, 240, 0],
"65%": [0, 230, 0],
"75%": [0, 190, 0],
"100%": [0, 130, 0],
"nv": [0, 0, 0, 0]
"fieldsAutoSync": true,
"fieldsMergeIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAttachIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAutoMerge": true

Create Leaf User's Configuration

 POST /configs/{leafUserId}

Creates the Configuration for the Leaf User leafUserId. A request body must be provided containing the configurations to be set. All entries are optional, any missing configuration will be inherited from the API Owner's Configuration.

Request body example:

"operationsImageCreation": true,
"fieldsAutoSync": true
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "operationsImageCreation": true, "fieldsAutoSync": true }' \


A JSON containing the configuration of the Leaf User.

"apiOwnerUsername": "api-owner",
"leafUserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"operationsImageCreation": true,
"geoimagesResolution": 0.00001,
"geoimagesShape": "SQUARE",
"geoimagesProjection": "EPSG:3857",
"geoimagesColorRamp": {
"0%": [200, 0, 0],
"35%": [255, 40, 0],
"45%": [255, 150, 0],
"55%": [255, 240, 0],
"65%": [0, 230, 0],
"75%": [0, 190, 0],
"100%": [0, 130, 0],
"nv": [0, 0, 0, 0]
"fieldsAutoSync": true,
"fieldsMergeIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAttachIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAutoMerge": true

Update API Owner's Configuration

 PATCH /configs

Updates the specified fields of Configuration for the API Owner. A request body must be provided containing the configurations to be set. All entries are optional.

Request body example:

"operationsImageCreation": true,
"fieldsAutoSync": true
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "operationsImageCreation": true, "fieldsAutoSync": true }' \


A JSON containing the configuration of the API Owner.

"apiOwnerUsername": "api-owner",
"leafUserId": "",
"operationsImageCreation": true,
"geoimagesResolution": 0.00001,
"geoimagesShape": "SQUARE",
"geoimagesProjection": "EPSG:3857",
"geoimagesColorRamp": {
"0%": [200, 0, 0],
"35%": [255, 40, 0],
"45%": [255, 150, 0],
"55%": [255, 240, 0],
"65%": [0, 230, 0],
"75%": [0, 190, 0],
"100%": [0, 130, 0],
"nv": [0, 0, 0, 0]
"fieldsAutoSync": true,
"fieldsMergeIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAttachIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAutoMerge": true

Update Leaf User's Configuration

 PATCH /configs/{leafUserId}

Updates the specified fields of Configuration for the Leaf User leafUserId. A resquest body must be provided containing the configurations to be set. All entries are optional.

Request body example:

"operationsImageCreation": true,
"fieldsAutoSync": true
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "operationsImageCreation": true, "fieldsAutoSync": true }' \


A JSON containing the configuration of the Leaf User.

"apiOwnerUsername": "api-owner",
"leafUserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"operationsImageCreation": true,
"geoimagesResolution": 0.00001,
"geoimagesShape": "SQUARE",
"geoimagesProjection": "EPSG:3857",
"geoimagesColorRamp": {
"0%": [200, 0, 0],
"35%": [255, 40, 0],
"45%": [255, 150, 0],
"55%": [255, 240, 0],
"65%": [0, 230, 0],
"75%": [0, 190, 0],
"100%": [0, 130, 0],
"nv": [0, 0, 0, 0]
"fieldsAutoSync": true,
"fieldsMergeIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAttachIntersection": 0.01,
"fieldsAutoMerge": true

Delete Leaf User's Configuration

 DELETE /configs/{leafUserId}

Deletes the Configuration from the Leaf User leafUserId. Until a new Configuration is created, the Leaf User will inherit all configurations from the API Owner.

curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \