In this glossary, you’ll find a range of definitions for terms you’ll come across in Leaf’s documentation. If you need any terms clarified further, please contact us anytime at
Leaf product terms
Term | Definition |
Field Boundaries | Geospatial boundary/shape/area of a field. |
Data Translation | File Conversion | Receive data, translated by Leaf to a consistent, aggregated and standardized format, from all major machinery brands. |
Machine Data | Field Operations | FieldOps data pulled from machinery providers (planting, application, harvest, tillage). Called operations in Leaf. Note: see further down, the difference between Machine File Summary and Operation Summary |
Machine Information | Assets | Data on machinery performance itself (serial number, hours, fuel consumption, rpm, speed and calibration). |
Prescriptions | Planting and fertility recommendations. Can be sent from Leaf to Providers, not to specific machines. |
Crop Monitoring | Satellite and drone images of fields based on their boundaries. |
Weather | Forecasted and historical field-level weather data. |
Leaf Connect | Sharing data between two different companies within Leaf. Allows one API owner to access fields and operations data from another API owner. |
More Leaf terms
Term | Definition |
API Owner | The company email address that you use to create a Leaf account and is used to create/store Leaf Users. |
Leaf Token | A token that will allow access to Leaf for up to 30 days. |
Provider | OEMs | third-party platforms | The company whose platform provides data such as field boundaries, machine data, imagery etc (e.g. Climate FieldView, John Deere). |
Leaf User | A way to keep your customers' data organized under your API owner. You'll attach 3rd party credentials to these entities. A Leaf User is equivalent to a Customer/Grower account. |
Alerts | Webhooks set up to send notifications of events that occur in Leaf. For example, when a new boundary is created, you'll be notified when it occurs, instead of polling (periodically requesting updates). |
Configurations | Configurations allow your Leaf environment to be customized to present different behaviors across our services. |
Field Merge | When two fields intersect, Leaf can merge them to create a new field. |
Raw data | Data downloaded directly from a tractor monitor. (USB, Thumb Drive Data) |
File Converter | Converts raw data formats to Leaf’s standard JSON format. |
File Merge | Files of the same operation type within a specified date range (applied, planted, harvested, tillage) are combined into a single file. |
Machine File Summary | Basic information of files derived from the point data, processed and cleaned by Leaf. Data outputs will vary by task (planted, applied, harvested, tillage). |
Operation Summary | The output of files merged to a field boundary that are processed and cleaned by Leaf. |
More agricultural terms
Term | Definition |
Organization | The organization is the top-level entity for a farm business such as a head office of a corporate farm |
Grower | The grower sits under the organization level and is equivalent to a farmer. A grower is often linked to farms and fields with a hierarchy of organization > grower > farm > field |
Farm | A Farm is a group of fields managed by a grower |
Field | An area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture bound by a fence or other landmark. Note: in Leaf, the field object has no boundary but can be pulled in from a provider (e.g. field name, field ID, area) |
Field Boundary | Geospatial boundary/shape/area of a field |
Crop | Type of plant being grown (e.g. soybeans, corn, wheat) |
Variety | A subtype of the crop being grown (e.g. P7326 is a variety of corn) |
Field Operations | Tasks performed by a tractor (tillage, planting, application, harvest) |
Tillage | The task of breaking up soil |
Planting | The task of placing seeds in the soil |
Application | The task of applying products to an area of a field (eg fertilizer, pesticides) |
Harvest | The task of removing/collecting a fully mature crop |
Implements | Implements are specialized pieces of farm equipment such as a drill, sprayer, combine or planter. |
Layers | Additional crop or field-related data that can be pulled from a provider (Tassel count, Stand count, NDVI and RGB) |