
In this glossary, you’ll find a range of definitions for terms you’ll come across in Leaf’s documentation. If you need any terms clarified further, please contact us anytime at

Leaf product terms

Field BoundariesGeospatial boundary/shape/area of a field.
Data Translation | File ConversionReceive data, translated by Leaf to a consistent, aggregated and standardized format, from all major machinery brands.
Machine Data | Field OperationsFieldOps data pulled from machinery providers (planting, application, harvest, tillage). Called operations in Leaf. Note: see further down, the difference between Machine File Summary and Operation Summary
Machine Information | AssetsData on machinery performance itself (serial number, hours, fuel consumption, rpm, speed and calibration).
PrescriptionsPlanting and fertility recommendations. Can be sent from Leaf to Providers, not to specific machines.
Crop MonitoringSatellite and drone images of fields based on their boundaries.
WeatherForecasted and historical field-level weather data.
Leaf ConnectSharing data between two different companies within Leaf. Allows one API owner to access fields and operations data from another API owner.

More Leaf terms

API OwnerThe company email address that you use to create a Leaf account and is used to create/store Leaf Users.
Leaf TokenA token that will allow access to Leaf for up to 30 days.
Provider | OEMs | third-party platformsThe company whose platform provides data such as field boundaries, machine data, imagery etc (e.g. Climate FieldView, John Deere).
Leaf UserA way to keep your customers' data organized under your API owner. You'll attach 3rd party credentials to these entities. A Leaf User is equivalent to a Customer/Grower account.
AlertsWebhooks set up to send notifications of events that occur in Leaf. For example, when a new boundary is created, you'll be notified when it occurs, instead of polling (periodically requesting updates).
ConfigurationsConfigurations allow your Leaf environment to be customized to present different behaviors across our services.
Field MergeWhen two fields intersect, Leaf can merge them to create a new field.
Raw dataData downloaded directly from a tractor monitor. (USB, Thumb Drive Data)
File ConverterConverts raw data formats to Leaf’s standard JSON format.
File MergeFiles of the same operation type within a specified date range (applied, planted, harvested, tillage) are combined into a single file.
Machine File SummaryBasic information of files derived from the point data, processed and cleaned by Leaf. Data outputs will vary by task (planted, applied, harvested, tillage).
Operation SummaryThe output of files merged to a field boundary that are processed and cleaned by Leaf.

More agricultural terms

OrganizationThe organization is the top-level entity for a farm business such as a head office of a corporate farm
GrowerThe grower sits under the organization level and is equivalent to a farmer. A grower is often linked to farms and fields with a hierarchy of organization > grower > farm > field
FarmA Farm is a group of fields managed by a grower
FieldAn area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture bound by a fence or other landmark. Note: in Leaf, the field object has no boundary but can be pulled in from a provider (e.g. field name, field ID, area)
Field BoundaryGeospatial boundary/shape/area of a field
CropType of plant being grown (e.g. soybeans, corn, wheat)
VarietyA subtype of the crop being grown (e.g. P7326 is a variety of corn)
Field OperationsTasks performed by a tractor (tillage, planting, application, harvest)
TillageThe task of breaking up soil
PlantingThe task of placing seeds in the soil
ApplicationThe task of applying products to an area of a field (eg fertilizer, pesticides)
HarvestThe task of removing/collecting a fully mature crop
ImplementsImplements are specialized pieces of farm equipment such as a drill, sprayer, combine or planter.
LayersAdditional crop or field-related data that can be pulled from a provider (Tassel count, Stand count, NDVI and RGB)